FTP Manager
What's an FTP Manager? How much effective is it with regards to taking care of a site?
Connecting to your web connect via FTP will be fast and easy. You’ll be able to upload/download files & directories with only a couple of mouse clicks. Aside from administering the entire content, you can also give other users access to a certain section of your account without providing them with access to the Control Panel where they can see private e-mails or other sensitive data they are not supposed to. This can be done by creating a different FTP account that they can use to connect only to one folder within the hosting account. Such a feature is really handy in case you work with different web developers or in case you rely on a web design app such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage to administer a number of websites at the same time, as you can have a separate FTP account for each person or each site. In such a case, it is vital to be able to administer your FTP accounts with no effort.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Even in case you’ve never had a hosting account before, you won’t have any difficulty managing any part of your Internet presence in case you acquire a
semi-dedicated server from our company and the FTP part makes no exception. With the FTP Manager, which is an integral part of our avant-garde Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll have complete control over your FTP accounts via a really user-friendly interface. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to do virtually everything – to create or to delete an FTP account, to change its password, to change the folder that it can access or to use auto-configuration files for clients like FileZilla and Core FTP. In case you’ve set up an immense number of accounts, you will be able to administer them without hassles, as you can arrange them alphabetically in ascending or descending order either by access path or by username.