Speed up your site with a a USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Server.

If you realize that your cloud hosting account isn’t an acceptable solution for your own web site, however a dedicated server costs too much and too tricky to deal with, then you could take advantage of our US–based semi–dedicated servers.

A semi-dedicated hosting service is really a special blend between a cloud website hosting account and a dedicated hosting service , which provides the best of both technologies. It gives you the power of a dedicated server (but without the regular server administration responsibilities), through an easy–to–use Hosting Control Panel , which is included with all of our cloud hosting plans by default.

And because of their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers can be purchased only within our US data center. It became the first data center at which we’ve been in a position to deploy our tailor–made cloud hosting platform and it also provides unrivaled power and cooling solutions. We also have built a specialized internal network based on enterprise–level Juniper routers and switches. This is the way we can easily guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of our USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Servers

One of the key advantages of our US semi–dedicated servers is the U-S-A.online Hosting Control Panel. It is featured for free with all semi–dedicated servers and has been built to be running in the cloud. By doing this, we free your server from being required to power the Control Panel and your sites together. You can use the full server potential exclusively for your websites. And also, the Hosting Control Panel is full of free tools and add–ons that will enhance your web site.

Other US Hosting Services

Our US data center is also home to a number of other web hosting services other than our US semi–dedicated servers. You may also pick our USA Located Linux Virtual Private Servers, which are based on NVMe storage delivering unbeatable file access speeds. You can opt for a USA Located Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers – a top–choice web hosting solution in case you have a live video streaming site or a CPU hungry web application.

  • Shared Hosting

  • 1 Hosted Domain(s)
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Monthly Traffic