24x7 Support

E–mail us anytime

You might email us round–the–clock with any requests that you can have regarding our semi-dedicated hosting services. You may e–mail us by using e–mail and by the ticketing platfrom and we’ll reply back to you in about one hour. In fact, our ordinary reply period is lower than 20 min. On trading days, you may give us a call or use the real–time chatting system on our web site.

24x7 Support

Web App Installer

A 1–click Web Apps Installer with more than 40 PHP free scripts

In the 1 Click App Installer you can find a prompt 1 Click App Installer, through which you can install a free application which you prefer choosing from over 40 gratis PHP–based web apps. It’ll assist you to have your blog page, online community, photo collection or electronic store on the net within moments. All you have to do is pick out the desired application, fill out the essentiall information about your site and then hit the Install key. That’s it! Our cloud website hosting platform will perform the set up for you within minutes. No program code to write, no scripts to configure.

Web App Installer

Web Stats

Hosting Control Panel–included Internet site stats

Through the 1 Click App Installer, you can both deal with and keep an eye on your Internet websites. Every single semi-dedicated hosting service features a group of web reports tools. You may get them in the Stats Manager area of the Hosting Control Panel. You can make use of the typical AWStats and Webalizer software tools or turn to our newly created, all–inclusive stats software tool, which delivers a very useful web analytics interface. With U-S-A.online, you will get comprehensive details for your webpage’s incoming traffic and customers directly in your Hosting Control Panel.

Web Stats

NVMe Drives

NVMe–powered semi-dedicated hosting

All our semi-dedicated hosting services offer NVMe drives instead of standard hard disks. NVMes feature better read/write data transfer speeds, meaning that your webpage will come up much more speedily. No further site modifications are needed.

Due to the superb online connectivity options available from our US data center your webpage will start running faster as soon as you move it to us.

NVMe Drives

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of U-S-A.online’s semi-dedicated hosting services will be set up for you without cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access privileges.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at our charges and pick the best semi–dedicated server for your developing sites. Move up to a more advanced server setup with simply a click of the mouse.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us whenever you want by email or through U-S-A.online’s extra–fast ticketing platform. We are going to respond in up to 60 minutes.