Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A User–Friendly Help Section

  • The Help Center section incorporated into your Hosting Control Panel offers a selection of help articles and frequently asked questions. Aimed toward fixing any common issue that you may possibly face, they are compiled by our support team of accomplished techs.

  • Top quality support service
  • How–To Video Clips

  • If you would like to watch how an action is achieved or how an issue is fixed, instead of just reading about it, then examine our selection of step–by–step video tutorials. They address a lot of different issues and will help you swiftly understand how to work with the Hosting Control Panel.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A One–Hour Support Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • With each of our semi–dedicated servers, we offer a 24/7 help desk service with a sixty–minute ticket response time guarantee. A team of skillful technicians will be available to you to attend to all the enquiries that you may have. During non–busy periods, an answer will be offered within just twenty minutes.