Typically customers check out the features they will get with a given cloud website hosting plan and forget something just as important - the service uptime. As effective as a plan might be, regular downtimes may lead to lower search engine ranking positions and lost clients regardless of what the reason for them could be. Not surprisingly, not a lot of people would come back to an Internet site which is unavailable 50 % of the time, not mentioning the misused capital assuming you have invested in a marketing and advertising campaign. This is why, when you acquire a new web hosting package, you should ensure that the service shall be stable and your websites will be online 24/7. This means a boost in traffic, or in case that you've got an online store, for example, greater uptime would mean more satisfied customers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We guarantee 99.9% uptime for each and every semi-dedicated server package acquired through our company. Forget about your site being unavailable for whatever reason since we employ a top-notch cloud hosting platform with a custom-built load balancing system. Instead of running everything on one web server and risking one service to take everything down, we have allocated the different services among their own groups of web servers. In other words, your files, database, email messages, stats, and so forth, are addressed by different clusters, so the failure of one web server will have no influence on the overall service or on your sites. A variety of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators ensure that infrastructural problems won't affect your websites either. We also have hardware and software firewalls and a competent team of admins to check on the incoming & outgoing traffic and to respond to each software issue 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Hosting
If you buy a Virtual Private Server from our company, we guarantee that the physical hosting server your account is set up on will be up and running a minimum of 99.9% of the time. While we are unable to control what you do with your VPS and what you install on it, we will make certain that the main web server will work 24/7 without any disturbances. Our facilities have redundant Internet providers and backup generators to ensure the constant work of all machines accommodated there. If there's an issue with any virtual server on the physical one, we've got a group of qualified administrators to eliminate it in a very timely manner and to ensure that the other virtual private server accounts on that server aren't going to be affected. We use only new, thoroughly tested hardware components for all of the servers where new virtual accounts are created.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting
While we cannot control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software and / or script-driven applications you set up on it or when you restart it, we can make certain that it's going to be accessible a minimum of 99.9% of the time. Your web server will be located in our state-of-the-art facility in the downtown area of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be guaranteed by powerful diesel backup generators and several Internet providers, so no outages or any other infrastructural issues will affect the proper functioning of your sites at any time. Our expert crew of system administrators will make sure that if your server stops for some reason, it'll be rebooted quickly. To avoid any possibility of malfunctions, we'll give you a hosting server with new and extensively tested hardware components to make certain that all of your websites are operational no matter what.