InnoDB is a very popular database storage engine for MySQL. It is an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has lots of strengths which have made it the engine of choice for numerous PHP-powered web apps, including Magento and Joomla, which have switched to InnoDB for good. For example, importing large data volumes will be faster with InnoDB, since it locks only a single row to carry out a given operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable applications. It also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the manner in which the data is tackled. To put it simply, importing new or editing existing data will either be entirely completed, or will be canceled and the operation will be rolled back if some issue occurs in the meantime, hence the content that remains in the database won’t be lost.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated hosting services come with InnoDB and you’ll be able to get the most out of all the features of this database engine with any PHP-driven app that requires it. InnoDB is among the engines that are available on our cloud hosting platform, so the one that will be used depends on the prerequisites of the specific application. You won’t need to do anything manually in order to activate InnoDB, as it will be set as the default engine whenever you install an application – whether manually or using our one-click app installer tool. To avoid any risk, we will carry out daily database backups, so if anything goes wrong after some update or if you erase some content accidentally, we will be able to get the database back to the way it was on any of the past seven days.
InnoDB in VPS Hosting
All VPS hosting that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel come with InnoDB pre-installed, so you’ll be able to take advantage of any PHP-driven web app that requires this database storage engine without the need to activate anything manually. You can choose Hepsia on the VPS order form and your brand-new Virtual Private Server will be up and running within the hour, so you can log in and begin building your Internet sites straight away. Once you set up a brand new database and begin the app installation process, our system will set the engine for this MySQL database automatically. In this way, you can install various applications at the same time without having to update anything on the Virtual Private Server. You can set up a WordPress-based online blog that makes use of the default MySQL engine – MyISAM, and a Magento-based e-shop that uses the InnoDB engine, for instance.
InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting
All dedicated hosting services ordered with our custom Hepsia Control Panel include a software package that is pre-activated and among everything else, you will get the InnoDB storage engine, so you won’t need to add it manually in case you want to activate PHP scripts that require it. All it takes to install such a script is to set up a new MySQL database and to start the setup – as soon as the installer wizard gets access to the database and starts importing data into it, InnoDB will be set as the default engine for this database on the condition that it is the one needed by the script. You’ll also be able to use scripts that need MyISAM, the other very popular MySQL engine, so you won’t need to modify any settings on the server. This will allow you to use different scripts on a single physical machine and to use the latter to its maximum potential.